Exercising is very important for a diabetic patient. Exercises must surely be a part of the regular life of diabetic patient as this can help in controlling diabetes and assure them of a better quality of life. Exercise can help in blood sugar control, weight loss, blood pressure control which can be very beneficial for the patient.
Following exercise can be very useful for diabetic patients:
Following exercise can be very useful for diabetic patients:
- Regular walk should be done as walking makes you breathe hard, pumps heart beat and thus helps in breaking sugars present in blood. Make sure to walk for at least 20 to 30 minutes every day; however this can be adjusted according to your health conditions.
- Aerobic exercise should be done. These help to lower blood sugar to a great extent. Deep breathing exercises can be followed. Deep breathing provides blood with more oxygen thus breaking down the large amounts of glucose present.
- Anaerobic exercises should be followed for weight loss. Cardiovascular exercises such as running, cycling, swimming, stretching etc should be done as these help in reducing weight.
- Weight lifting exercises could also be done depending upon the health. These help in strengthening muscles and thus help in controlling blood sugar.
- Yoga can be done. Various asana such as the Aalom Vilam (AV), Kapalbharti (KB) and Agnisar etc can be followed. These are very helpful in controlling diabetes as these are directly associated with the better functioning of the pancreas.
Thus exercising is very essential for diabetic patients. Make sure to develop a routine of regular exercises. Do not try to overdo, but surely enough to keep you healthy and fit.
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